
Unveiling the Thrill: A Typical DSS Match at Mission Range

Unveiling the Thrill: A Typical DSS Match at Mission Range

By: Jason C Comments: 0

*** Photo by LloydfromCanada

Dynamic Shooting Sports (DSS) matches have been gaining traction in the shooting sports community, offering participants an adrenaline-pumping experience that tests both skill and strategy. Mission Range, with its state-of-the-art facilities, serves as an ideal venue for these electrifying events.

The Venue: Mission Range

Mission Range is more than just a shooting range; it's a comprehensive facility equipped with multiple shooting areas, safety zones, and top-notch amenities. Safety is paramount, with range officers ensuring that all protocols are strictly followed, making it a secure environment for both novice and experienced shooters.

The DSS Match: An Overview

A typical DSS match is a multi-gun event involving pistols, rifles, and shotguns. Participants must be DSSmatch members and Case Qualified, ensuring a high level of competition. The match is structured into various stages, each designed to test different skills, from accuracy to agility.

Preparing for the Match

Pre-registration is essential and can be done via the DSSmatch BC website. Participants are advised to bring their own firearms, ammunition, and safety gear, including eye and ear protection.

The Competition

The match is divided into different stages, each with its own set of challenges and targets. From close-quarter pistol shooting to long-range rifle targets, the variety keeps participants on their toes. Scoring is based on a combination of accuracy and speed, making each shot count.

Participant Experience

"The camaraderie here is unlike any other event," says John, a regular at DSS matches. "It's not just about the competition; it's about learning, improving, and, most importantly, having fun." The sense of community is palpable, with experienced shooters often offering tips to newcomers.


A DSS match at Mission Range is not just another shooting event; it's an experience that pushes you to the limits while offering a sense of community and belonging. If you're looking to elevate your shooting skills while having a blast, a DSS match should be on your radar.

Additional Information

To become a DSSmatch member or to learn more about upcoming matches, visit the DSSmatch BC website.

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